All your SCA Certifications, Products and Barista Pro Academy Items apply for ZERO RATE financing with all Bank of Central America cards for 3 or 6 months. In the case of Certifications, the financing applies only for Fees and not for Exams. *
*Applies to students in BAC El Salvador only
SCA Sensory Skills
International Certification - Sensory Skills Intermediate Level - 10 points - Practical exam with AST and Online Exam
The International Sensory Intermediate Certification expands the concepts and skills introduced during Foundations level. It is an ideal certification for someone who has experience in cupping and who wants to develop their sensory skills and the knowledge to support them. In this certification we cover a wide range of topics, including the physiology of taste and aroma; the types of sensory analysis, the realization of a cupping session; the diversity of attributes of coffee; the use of the SCA and WBC Lexicon flavor wheel and the constitution of a panel and sensory analysis session.
Academia Barista Pro has prepared this class with the SCA guidelines and much more, it is recommended to have taken the fundation level before this class.
Refund Policy: The fees can be returned 100% if your training is canceled at least 14 days before the day of class. You may not cancel 2 days prior, but you may choose to reschedule your class by the acceptance to pay the rescheduling fee.
Rescheduling Fee: This fee will be applied if you cancel your class with less than 14 days.
The Reschedule Fee is 25% of the value of the course and applies to Students who want to reschedule their class less than 14 days before starting.
Hours: 9am to 5pm.
Includes: Class Materials, snacks and Lunch. Student will be responsible for bringing notes and pens.
PREREQUISITES: Introduction to Coffee and Sensory Skills level Fundamentals
2 exams that are given in Person and ONLINE.
The practical exam has a maximum duration of 2 hours, carried out by the AST and must be approved with a minimum score of 70% = 37 correct points / 53 total points of the exam.
ONLINE exam has a total of 35 questions and the student must pass it with a minimum grade of 70%.
SCHEDULING: This course will be scheduled in Person.
PRESENTIAL: It will be taught by AST Johanna de Rodriguez
REGISTRATION: To register you must have paid 100% of honoraries. Exams may be paid on the day of the course. For exams we only accept bank transfer or cash payments.
If you have more questions, you can contact us in ENGLISH directly at whatsapp: +50322637706
PAYMENT : Academia Barista Pro accepts all International Credit Cards, Local Bank Checks, Wire Bank transfers, Western Union, Money Gram payments for Internationals.
FINANCING: If you are living in El Salvador, financing is available with Banco de America Central Credit Cards, with 0 rates if you choose 3 or 6 months.