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Johanna de Rodriguez



Sustainability Program
Specialty Coffee Association International Coffee Certification


Academia Barista Pro has always been involved in Sustainability, thinking of viable ways in which our business can contribute to this important subject.

I remember when we started the business more than 15 years ago, we had a small coffee shop. We never believed in calculations or tablespoons to measure ingredients or products, this made us have minimum waste a day or month. Since then, we have tried to instill this thinking to our clients which helps not only their pockets, but also the environment. Sustainability is about 3 important pillars: economic, social and environmental. Although this is just a small example, it perfectly fits the 3 pillars. When we reduce waste to a minimum, we help ourselves financially because we don't lose money, we help ourselves environmentally because we don't throw excess garbage, and in our case, when we teach our customers and employees, we've been able to help society. Adopting a sustainable mindset in our lives, work, and as a society depends on how we approach issues in small ways, that on the long run, will help our future generations. 

The Sustainability Program in Coffee is relatively new, created by Specialty Coffee Association  to inspire people to get involved, and have them contribute to their futuristic sustainability plan, contributing in a positive way for their business and the coffee value chain. We can all work under the pillars of sustainability, even at home, so there is no excuse. Join us to plan your sustainability future. Like the Coffee Skills Program, the Coffee Sustainability Program has 3 levels of specialization: 

For now, we have detailed below more info on the Sustainability Foundations Class only. 

Finca Ausol

Sustainability Foundation Level

The Coffee Sustainability Program's Foundation Level provides a solid introduction to the principles and practices of sustainability within the coffee industry. This beginner-friendly course is designed to equip you with the essential knowledge and skills to make informed decisions that contribute to a more sustainable coffee future.


  • Course Fee: $200 + IVA

  • Exams Fee: $120 + IVA

  • Total Fee: $361.60


Sustainability Intermediate level

Prerequisite: Successful completion of the Foundation Level Certification

Embark on a journey to master advanced coffee sustainability practices and become a true sustainability champion.

What You'll Achieve

  • Deepen your understanding: Delve into the intricacies of sustainable coffee production, processing, and marketing.

  • Refine your skills: Hone your ability to implement effective sustainability strategies across the coffee value chain.

  • Become a change agent: Gain the knowledge and confidence to drive sustainable practices within your organization and beyond.


  • Course Fee: $425 + IVA

  • Exams Fee: $150 + IVA

  • Total Fee: $649.75


Sustainability Professional Level

Unlock the pinnacle of coffee sustainability knowledge and become a sustainability pioneer.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of the Intermediate Level Certification

What You'll Achieve

  • Master advanced concepts: Elevate your understanding of cutting-edge sustainability practices and strategies.

  • Become a sustainability leader: Gain the expertise to lead and influence sustainability initiatives within your organization and the industry.

  • Drive transformative change: Make a profound impact on the future of coffee sustainability through innovative solutions.


  • Course Fee: $950 + IVA

  • Exams Fee: $150 + IVA

  • Total Fee: $1243.00

If you still have questions about this certification or want any other information, write to us via whatsapp: +50322637706

We are extremely pleased to announce that founder, Johanna de Rodríguez, becomes the AST #22 in the World and 2nd in Latin America in the Specialty of International Coffee Certifications of the Sustainability Program of @specialtycoffeeassociation ⁣

By studying about sustainability, all the actors of the coffee value chain in the Specialty Coffee industry will get involved to act. ⁣

This program is designed to explore what sustainability means, what the challenges are across the coffee value chain, and how to adopt this mindset.


This program is offered 100% ONLINE & In person trainings

The advantages of taking a distance certification through online sessions are as follows:

  • Flexibility: You can study at your own pace and in your own time.

  • Time and money savings: You don't have to travel to a training center, which saves you time and money.

  • Accessibility: You can access the course from anywhere in the world.

  • Interaction with other students: You can interact with other students from all over the world through forums and chats.

  • SCA Sustainability program, as a distance option is an excellent choice. This is because the program is designed to be flexible and accessible, making it a good fit for students with busy schedules or who live in remote areas.



In these classes, you will learn from trainers who have lived in producing countries. You will learn how to develop your skills to promote sustainability in the coffee industry in your country.

  • Coffee sustainability programs teach students about the different aspects of coffee sustainability, from cultivation to consumption. Students learn about sustainable practices that can help protect the environment, promote equity, and improve the quality of life for coffee producers.


  • Students learn about sustainable practices that can help protect the environment, promote equity, and improve the quality of life for coffee producers.

  • This sustainability program is designed to help students develop the skills and knowledge they need to promote sustainability in the coffee industry. The programs cover a wide range of topics, from the environmental impact of coffee production to the social and economic benefits of sustainable practices.


Sustainability in the Cofee Industry

Learning how to implement sustainable tools in the coffee industry in your sustainability class can give you a number of advantages, including:

  • Increased job opportunities: The coffee industry is a growing industry, and there is a growing demand for professionals with skills in sustainability. Learning how to implement sustainable tools in the coffee industry can make you more competitive in the job market.

  • Improved problem-solving skills: Sustainability is a complex issue, and learning how to implement sustainable tools in the coffee industry will require you to develop your problem-solving skills. This will be a valuable asset in any job, regardless of the industry.

  • Enhanced critical thinking skills: Learning how to implement sustainable tools in the coffee industry will require you to think critically about the environmental, social, and economic impacts of coffee production. This will help you to make more informed decisions in your personal and professional life.

  • Greater understanding of sustainability: Learning how to implement sustainable tools in the coffee industry will give you a deeper understanding of sustainability and how it can be applied to real-world problems. This knowledge will be valuable in any field, whether you are working in the coffee industry or not.

  • In addition to these benefits, learning how to implement sustainable tools in the coffee industry can also help you to make a positive impact on the world. The coffee industry has a significant environmental and social impact, and by learning how to make it more sustainable, you can help to protect the planet and improve the lives of coffee workers and their communities.

Academia Barista Pro El Salvador

Address: 79 Avenida Sur and Calle Cuscatlán Edificio Plaza Cristal Local 1-2, Colonia Escalón, San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America.


Phone: (503) 22637706

Whatsapp: (503) 22637706




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Updated 2020

Created by Academia Barista Pro

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