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Producer: Gilberto Baraona

Gilberto worked on the farm from a very young age with his family, he comes from a long tradition of producers who began in 1925. After the war they were left with less land to produce and his family decided to stop growing coffee. Gilberto, was deeply passionate about coffee growing and decided to continue the family tradition and in 1998 began working with Exportadora Llach, which at the end of the 90's became UNEX. In 2008, his coffee won a privileged position in the Cup of Excellenc and it was this that motivated him to continue promoting Specialty Coffee internationally.

Finca Los Pirineos grows 20% Antique Prestigious Arabicas, 70% Elite Bourbon and 10% Pacamara. 

Academia Barista Pro began buying from Gilberto in 2016, and haven't stopped since. Gilberto always offered us his best lots and unique coffees we couldn't refuse yearly.  We launched a few years back his famous Orange Pacamara from Finca Los Pirineos in El Salvador, a unique variety of Pacamara that when it matures  its skin turns orange. 


In 2018, he offered to us his GESHA variety. A very delicate gesha with floral flavors of chamomile, elevated caramels and lemon citrus.

With deep sadness we informed many of our clients his passing away due to coronavirus on 2020. On 2020 Academia Barista Pro launched many microlots to his memory, as we hold exclusivity in El Salvador. But his legacy still stands strong! Both of his children Diego and Fabiola, grabbed the reigns of his farm empire and have processed some amazing coffee microlots we will have exclusive access to this year, from both Finca Los Pirineos and Finca Las Palmas. 

Stay Tuned for more updates soon...


Fabiola Baraona


Diego Baraona

We started buying from Gilberto in 2016, difficult not to do so, since he has always offered us unique coffees of unsurpassed quality, something that we cannot miss. That friendship lasted many years, we were the first to offer in El Salvador their famous Pacamara Naranja from Finca Los Pirineos, also the first to offer in 2018 an exclusive micro-lot of their Gesha variety. Both the orange-skinned pacamara and their gesha infuse unique cups. Throughout the years, with him we learned about new processes such as "Carbonic Maceration," being a pioneer in this process worldwide. Many of the coffees that surprised us and that we bought were praised and awarded in the Cup of Excellence year after year.


In 2020, Gilberto becomes the producer with the most awards in El Salvador's Cup of Excellence, something that the world noticed. That year, he lost the battle against COVID, however his legacy continues as both sons, Diego and Fabiola, take over the reins of all his businesses.  


This 2021 the harvest is delicious and we have been testing different items produced and processed by Diego. We have already placed our order and we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of these wonderful coffees.


We will announce details of this very soon, stay tuned for our social media.  


Before Covid, we had more than 10 years of participating in National and International Competitions with Salvadoran coffees. The competitions in the World have been postponed, but we cannot help but remember the moment when we used specialty coffees from FINCA LAS PALMAS:  

  • Finca Las Palmas Gesha, roasted by Academia Barista Pro Founder, Jonathan Rodríguez, for the 2019 National Brewers Cup Champion.

Coffees we buy this 2020





Finca Las Palmas (Limited Supply / LIMITED EDITIONS)



Pacamara Naranja Honey from Finca Las Palmas (9th place Cup of Excellence) - Out of Stock

Harrar Ethiopian Washed Finca Los Pirineos - Out of Stock

Harrar Ethiopian Natural Finca Los Pirineos - Out of Stock

Bourbon Carbonic Maceration - Out of Stock

Gesha Los Pirineos - Out of Stock


Peaberry Pacamara Orange Carbonic Maceration a -

1st Limited Commemorative Edition 2020 - OUT OF STOCK


Natural Laurine -

2nd Limited Edition 2020 - OUT OF STOCK


Natural Anaerobic H ar

3rd Limited Edition of Coffee- OUT OF STOCK


Diego Baraona us
talk about variety

Gilberto Baraona

A very complex coffee, with a silky body and a long, sweet aftertaste. 

This variety, as always, has us captivated and in love. It is a very rare variety to find, but it dazzles with its wonderful cup profile. A variety grown in El Salvador at Finca Las Palmas by Producer Diego Baraona.⁣

As its name suggests, this coffee was discovered in 1940 among the forests of South-East Sudan, near the Ethiopian border. It is a natural mutation from Bourbon, unlike, it produces a medium to low yield.⁣

Diego decides to prepare this batch of Black Honey with Carbonic Maceration for 72 hours, and then dry it in beds under shade for 50 days. Fermentation and drying make it an explosion of tropical sweet flavors like fruit punch, delicious. It is a classic example of Quality vs. Quantity.⁣


The Rume Sudan variety is low-yielding and a very scarce variety in Latin America. It is difficult to grow and rarely self-sows. Something that Finca Las Palmas in Usulután from producer Diego Baraona faces, who deeply believes in the quality of this coffee and so do we. ⁣

Since we tried it, we were overwhelmed and impressed with its intense, tropical, sweet and complex flavors. It is quickly understood why it belongs to our Premium line of Specialty Coffees. ⁣

All varieties of coffee come from Africa, the highest quality species is Coffea Arabica, originally from Ethiopia. This plant spread rapidly throughout the world and became very important for many economies.

A good portion of Coffees of the Arabic Species, are produced in the American continent. There are very popular varieties, but there are others that are still unknown and it is these that can present surprising flavors promising to have a lot of potential. ⁣

The Harrar variety originates from the Hararghe area in Ethiopia, an area well known for its high altitude coffees. Here it is common to find coffee trees between 1,700 and 2,000 meters above sea level. This variety is characterized by having a very African cup profile, with notes of herbs, lemon leaves, but great citric sweetness, with notes of white flowers and chamomile.⁣

This Ethiopian Harrar was planted at a height of 1500 meters above sea level in Usulután, volcanic soils in that area full of minerals, they influence the nutrition of each of the plants that grows there._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_

Gilberto Baraona, Fina Los Pirineos, Finca Las Palmas

Gilberto Antonio Baraona Recinos RIP.  


The Legacy of a producer that will live on forever! In memory of one of the great producers and references of El Salvador.⁣

Limited Edition of a flagship Café to honor his legacy. A PEABERRY OF ORANGE PACAMARA, Natural Process, Carbonic Maceration, in medium roast.

PACAMARA NARANJA, is a spontaneous mutation that occurred in Finca Los Pirineos. This coffee when it reaches its point of maturity, changes its pigmentation on the skin to an Orange color. The result of this genetic change, results in a very fruity taste.

PEABERRY, It is not a variety, it is not a process, it happens in the coffee fruit when an ovule is not pollinated and as a result, a single seed is produced, instead of two. Not all cherries produce peaberries, since it is estimated that they are usually only 2% to 5% of the total of a GOLD FINE production. Being a seed, peaberries tend to have a more intense profile, offering quite a distinctive complexity.

CARBON MACERATION, is a controlled fermentation inside hermetic tanks. There are 2 valves, one inlet and one outlet. At the inlet valve, carbon dioxide is injected, which serves to control the fermentation temperature and expel oxygen to the outlet valve. Together with Sasa Sestic, Gilberto Baraona was one of the pioneers with this type of fermentation in El Salvador for 3 years, becoming one of the CM Selection Producers of Project Origin. This type of fermentation produces spectacular, intense and fruity cups.

As a tribute to Gilberto, we gave this coffee a medium roast, we will always remember his instructions, “Jonathan, 2 minutes after the first Crack begins to intensify!” ⁣

Academia Barista Pro El Salvador

Address: 79 Avenida Sur and Calle Cuscatlán Edificio Plaza Cristal Local 1-2, Colonia Escalón, San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America.


Phone: (503) 22637706

Whatsapp: (503) 22637706




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Updated 2020

Created by Academia Barista Pro

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