How to Initiate a Coffee Business - Consultory
It is imperative that you get the right advice and look for the information that will help you start your own Coffee Business, no matter where you are. In this 2 hour Business Consulting with our Founder Jonathan Rodriguez, you will be able to ask the most important Initial setups, investment, financing, operational questions that you have not been able to master.
We do however recommend, you come prepared with all the questions you need answers with, price of leasing, initial investment #´s and the idea of your project to have Jonathan Help you the most.
This Consultancy may be scheduled with him Online or in Person in English.
We offer Consultancies to Coffee Shops and Coffee Businesses with ample experience, if you need our help, reach out.
Type of questions to be answered:
What type of coffees do you need to buy and providers in your area?
What type of equipment do you need for your specific project and market?
Indispensable Utensils for your specific needs?
If its in El Salvador, we recommend specific permits.
Initial budget and investment
Return on Investment
Please keep in mind that Jonathan is only an advisor for this Consultancy, and would not be teaching you certain skills we recommend you learn from our Coffee Course Curriculum.
We recommend you come prepared with your own budget, quotes, and questions to be able to get all the info you need first hand. Schedule this Consultancy with us through whatsapp: +50321000978 - This is a coffee consultancy that could be IN PERSON or ONLINE.